Thursday, January 3, 2013

Merry Christmas

I have to admit this Christmas was my favorite!! Having Garner changes everything and definitely makes life more fun. Garner was spoiled big time to only be 3 months old.

Below is Garner Christmas eve with her GiGi and Daddy Ken. Can you tell she is loved?

Garner and her Mimi on Christmas Eve. Aaron and I had dinner at our house and opened gifts with his side of the family.

 Garner did not know what to think of all the gifts. She just stared amazed by all the colors.

Mimi and Gigi with Garner and Ellie. I LOVE my Ellie bug...aka "girlie" she is the sweetest and not to mention most photogenic fur baby ever. Love that face. ha! As you can see the grands could not leave her out of the pictures.

One of my favorite parts of December is "mail delivery time". Everyday I would run to the mailbox and Aaron would ask "are you expecting a package"? No, but I am expecting CARDS. haha. I love Christmas cards!! I even box them up each year and when I decorate the next year I sometimes will look at the cards Ive collected. Oh the simple things in life.

Garner met her sweet great Aunt Lou this Christmas. Lou loves babies and I am happy she was able to meet and love on our sweet baby.

Aaron cooking us a delicious meal. Have I mentioned that my husband is an amazing cook?

I waited months for this gift. Our moms bought and framed this picture of Garner when she was 5 days old. Love it! I stare at the picture realizing my baby is growing so fast.

After dinner it was time for Christmas Pjs so we could go to bed. Santa only comes when you are sleeping.

Garners sweet cousin Sloane reading her a bedtime story. I love watching these two together. Sloane was the baby until Garner came along and now she seems like such a big girl. She loves "her" baby Garner.

These are only SOME of the gifts Garner opened Christmas eve. She honestly did not know what to think of all her toys.

Santa came....guess Garner was a good girl.

I love this picture because if you notice her uncle Cody is already playing baby dolls. haha. This is my brother and even though he is ALL boy we are 13 months apart in age and I can assure you he knows how to play dolls. Poor guy had to play with me as a child.

Lets not leave Ellie out. Of course she got new toys too. Told you she is precious.

Christmas night we went to my moms house (Mimi) to celebrate more. Garner and Mimi by the big tree!! Would you believe my little princess got more gifts....I came home and started a play closet we had so many toys. We always celebrated at my grandmothers house with my dad who really spoiled Garner!

I know this Christmas was only the beginning of many to come. I hear it only gets more fun the older kids get. This year was a blast so I am excited to see how much fun Garner has next year.

Baby G THREE Months

I am a little behind on posting Garners 3 month pics but I have a good excuse....THE HOLIDAYS! Now that things are settling down I plan to catch up my blog. Garner turned 3 months on December 18. I am not sure exactly how much she weighs because we did not see the doctor this month. I am estimating around 13 lbs. I know it sounds crazy to some but we believe you are teething. YES my baby is already teething. Between the drool and love for chewing on your hands I'm pretty convinced. Not to mention your momma (me) had a tooth at 3 months. You still sleep through the night and love to be on the go.