Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Maternity and Birth Story

I am so lucky that one of my best friends is a photographer. She was able to capture TONS of sweet moments for Aaron and I. Thanks to her I will never forget my pregnant moments. These are just a few pictures.

Garners Birth Story..........

To be honest with you I decided to start blogging again because so many people have asked about my delivery. Every time I tell the story I start thinking...I should write this down so I never forget. To this day I ask my mom stories but not always can she remember the details. :) So here it is. 
I was due Sept 15 and for weeks up to the day I was excited and watching every symptom.....hoping to go into labor on my own. The 15th came and it went. Ill never forget that day. Aaron and I went to the waffle house (I had to have a chocolate chip waffle) and then shopping at Costco and the grocery. Several people asked when I was due and I chuckled as I said TODAY. I did not go into labor that day or the next but the day after that I started to have back pain. I figured it was hurting because of the size of Garner. That evening Aaron and I went to dinner with my mom and step dad. While at dinner I felt like I couldn't breath and noticed my stomach would get rock hard and then soft. I figured out quickly I was having braxton hicks. The next day was Sunday and I decided to take it easy as labor was getting near. Aaron played golf and I laid around. That evening we were in the living room and I started to have pretty uncomfortable cramps in my back. I also started questioning if my water was leaking....I won't go into detail but I started to worry. So after talking to my mom and discussing things with Aaron we decided to go to L & D to have things checked out. Let me just warn you that Im terrified of hospitals, doctors and anything medical. We pulled into the hospital and Aaron dropped me off...I waited as he parked and we went in together. I signed in and was sent to triage. There I was asked questions and hooked up to see what my contractions were doing. Yes I was indeed having contractions but they were only 5-7 mins apart. I was 1 cm and 80% effaced. I was favorable for induction but it was Sunday night so my doctor was not on call and the on call dr sent me home. It was also confirmed my water had not broken. We got home around 2 am and I was out like a light. 

Monday I woke up still having intense back pain so I once again laid around. I decided to lay on a heating pad and even took several warm baths. I knew I had a dr appt on Tues and I would ask for my dr to induce me (as bad as I wanted to go into labor on my own) I was over the pain. My back HURT!!!! Aaron came home, we ate dinner and started to watch a baseball game. I remember at 7 pm I told him "love I think we need to go back to labor and delivery". I was trying to time the pain but since it was pretty much constant it was near impossible. What I could time was about 3-5 mins apart. We loaded up....bags this time because I just knew Id be staying. We pulled into the hospital, Aaron dropped me off, parked, and we walked in together. Back to triage we went and I was hooked up to be monitored. I was correct contractions 3-5 mins apart BUT once again the on call dr this night said she would not admitt me. I asked "what does a girl in labor have to do in order to be admitted". The nurse gave me a pain scale with faces that start happy and end mad/sad.....0-10 was the scale. She told me 10 was someone cutting off my legs. So, I went with a 7 or 8. The dr said I could stay in triage to be monitored or go home and try to sleep comfortably in my own bed. I asked for something for the pain. To my amazement they offered me ambien. A sleeping pill? Um no thanks! I was afraid to take it and go into full labor. So we head home around 10 pm in the rain. We go home and Aaron goes to bed. I tried but tossed and turned. I decided to soak in a bath....that didn't help. So I laid on the couch with a heating pad....that didn't help. I woke Aaron up around 1 am crying telling him I couldn't do it anymore. The pain was so intense.....he came out on the couch and started to time my CONSTANT aching contractions. 3 mins apart with an occasional 3-4.  I was crawling around on the living room floor fearing I was about to get sick or deliver a baby in my house. I now realize I just didn't know how much pain my body could handle. I called my mom in tears asking her why for 3 days now I was feeling contractions but no baby. All my friends were induced so no one could share with me the pain....they were induced and as soon as the contractions started they got an epidural. I was on day 3 of little sleep and PAIN!!! My mom insisted I go back to L&D and refuse to leave. I put on my big girl panties and off we went to L&D. This time we pulled in and Aaron dropped me off BUT I did not wait on him. I shuffled up to L&D, tapped on the glass and told the lady I was back, not leaving and that the pain was someone cutting off my legs. ha! So I guess in "nurses terms" that means it is a 10!!
By now it is around 2 something am and Im back in triage. The nurse tried telling me that my contractions were in fact 3 mins apart but not as strong as earlier. Um not possible....was in severe pain!
Finally the nurse convinced the on call dr to keep me. Im sure she could tell I was in labor. The nurse started my IV which I was told hurt the most. I didn't feel a thing and to this day I think it may be because I was already in so much pain. I signed some papers and off to my room we went. As soon I walked in my room the nurse anesthetist was setting up my epidural. Usually I would be scared and convincing myself I didn't need one but this pregnant mama hopped on the bed, bent over and took the shot in my back like it was nothing. Honestly it didn't hurt....a little pressure but none like Miss Garner was causing. I called my mom soon after and she said I sounded like a different person. I clearly was no longer in pain. I told her to call my mother in law and they could come on up....they would be in the delivery room with us. We fell asleep and around 8 am a nurse came in to check on me. I was still good to go feeling no pain. My mom and Aarons mom arrived and we all set around talking. My dr (who I love by the way) arrived around 9 am to check on me. She said I was 2 cm 80% effaced so she broke my water and things started happening. By noon I was 10 cm. My dr was across town with an emergency....bleeding patient who then went into labor. Since all was well with me my nurse said to rest that my dr would be there soon. Time kept passing and passing...around 3 pm (yes I laid there for 3 hours at 10 cm ready to push) my nurse was checking me and noticed Garners heart rate was going up and down. 160 down to 50 and then back. We discovered quickly it was happening during contractions. So she flipped me to my other side and about that time the heart beat was off the monitor! I looked and we could not see Garners heart beat but mine was 162....I was in pure panic mode. Have I mentioned how amazing my husband is and was! He never left me and kept saying breath you have to calm down. He reminded me how proud he was and I was doing great. My nurse quickly flipped me back and with one hand searched for her heart and with the other was on the phone with my dr and then called the resident dr down to deliver. All of the sudden my relaxed room turned into an operating room. People in scrubs were running and setting up.....my nurse already had me pushing. I remember asking her if she could deliver Garner. ha! Oh I should tell you her heart was back on the monitor. My dr came running across the parking lot (one of the nurses could see her) and made it 20 mins before Garner was born. After 4 sets of pushes my baby girl was here! I cannot explain the peace that came over me as my dr laid her on my chest. Her eyes were wide open and she stared at me. She didn't cry but she was okay. The nurse took her off to get her lungs cleared out, a result of sitting in my birth canal for so long. She finally cried and Ill never forget that sound. My 7lb 9oz baby girl was here, healthy and beautiful! The reason for the variables earlier was because her umbilical cord was around her neck (not tight) and every contraction would push causing her vitals to drop. Scary but thank god for technology. 

So there is Garners birth story. Sorry it is so long but i want to always remember that day and moment. One day Ill be able to share or Garner can read it herself. 

Garners proud daddy! He was concerned with all the suctioning but once she was crying and breathing he was good!

My sweet baby girl! Absolutely perfect in every way!

I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mommy Margaret Garner! I feel beyond blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Leigh, it's just amazing isn't it? I cried just reading this. What a blessing and what a moment of feeling God's absolutely glory...it's one a Mommy will never forget. So happy for y'all and so excited to be able to keep up with beautiful Garner.
